Travels and adventures with Sigma-Marine

Many consider that rest on the yacht – very expensive pleasure which only very wealthy people are able to afford. Undoubtedly, yachting is not a cheap rest, but now it became more available, and the prices - are very various. For example, it is possible to book through our Sigma-Marine school the big yacht with full service: the crew, the cook, the bartender, the waiter and, respectively, a cost of such charter will be not a cheap. And it is possible to take more budgetary option – the yacht of average sizes, but without excess service personnel – only with the skipper or if you have a license to operate the yacht, it is possible without it at all. Now is very popular such option as combined yachting voyages and cruises. We look for the yacht and we offer a route, and you reserve a place in a cabin and you go to have a rest with your natives, and sometimes at all with strangers who, as practice shows, to the end of voyage become your good friends. If you are the beginner in yachting, but want to learn how to operate the sailing yacht, the training courses with skilled skippers of Sigma-Marine Yachting School is available.

And, believe, what option you wouldn't choose, you won't be disappointed. Join our travels and adventures and feel freedom and pleasure which gives you a wonderful world of yachting!




Croatia & Montenegro







